Thursday, December 5, 2019
Athletics Day
Kia ora bloggers last week we went to athletics at Bledisloe domain. Before we left we had to say the role and have karakia. I really like athletics because I can do my favorite activities like long jump, sprints and relays and Hurdles. I am not that good at shot put or high jump but I think that I did really well in long jump and hurdles. Do you have a favorite sport? Did you enjoy my blog post. Thanks for reading my blog. Bye.
Chuck Close Art
Kia ora bloggers. At Paihia School in Te Ngahere we have been doing Chuck Close art. For Chuck Close art you get a piece of paper with some squares and you have to color the dark parts of the paper a dark color and color the light parts of the paper light colors. After coloring in the squares you connect all the paper together and it makes a picture. Chuck close art is really fun. Did you enjoy my blog post. Bye.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Athletics Training
Kia ora bloggers. At Paihia School we have been doing athletics training. Athletics is really fun the fun thing about athletics is that you get to learn how to do things that include sports like:
Shot put
Sprints and relay
Long jump
High jump
My favorite sports are sprints and relays, shot put and long jump. I am not that good at high jump or discus. Do you have a favorite sport? I need to remember that when I am doing shot put I need to high five the sky so that I don’t chuck it I push it to the sky.. Did you enjoy my blog post. Bye.
Project Energise
Kia ora bloggers. On Monday Whaea Gina came in to our class. She came to talk back over the healthy food. We were learning what types of healthy food and unhealthy food there are. There are four food groups the first one was Milk and Milk Product/ Diary. GIna brang our four different milks there was normal milk, almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk. The other groups was meat group, fruit and veg group and grain and food group. You need to eat veggies and fruits because they give you vitamins and minerals. You need to eat dairy foods because it has calcium which is good for your bone. You need to eat meat because it give you protean and helps you grow. Grain foods are good for you because they are good for your brain and gets you up and going in the morning. I really like learning with Whaea Gina because of what she teaches us. I am going to remember that I shouldn’t eat to many lollies.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Today on the 30th of October at Moerewa Simpson Park, me and a group of kids went to a Ki-O-Rahi tournament. Before we left we had Tuakana Hui, Tuakana Hui is were we say karakia, pepeha and a couple of waiata. We then went outside and the teachers called out who we were going to go to the Ki-O-Rahi tournament with. When we got there we had to sit down and sing waiata and karakia. It was my turn to go on the field and we were playing against year 7 & 8’s. We lost it but won the next game. While we waited for our next game we watched our other Paihia School team. I really thought that on our last game we could have done better. I need to practise more on hitting the barrel in the middle.
Friday, October 25, 2019
In Te Ngahere we have been filming. Before we got to film our movies we had to create a plan for our movie. We then had to write down our script and the camera angles. My movie is about three nerds that get smart to the teacher and get detention. They then go on a gaming console that is right in front of them. Which sucks them into the console where they find a strange man. He tells them that the nerds need to win the war and defeat the bullies. Then they defeat the bullies and go home. W.A.L.T use the different camera views. We created this movie to show on a movie day which we share with other schools. Thanks for reading my blog post. Bye.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Swim Safe
At Paihia School Tracy came to teach us about how to stay safe in a boat. There are 5 rules to stay safe on a boat. The five rules I learnt to stay safe on a boat are:
Put your safety first,
Were a life jacket,
Tell someone where you are going and when you will be back,
Check the weather before you go,
Make sure you have a waterproof phone or radio.
I think that you should also have a flare gun and someone who knows how to use it. I hope what i’m sharing helps someone be safe on a boat.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Steam Challenge
In Te Ngahere on the first day back of term 4 our class did a steam challenge. Steam stands for science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics. Our project was to create the biggest tower out of 2 sheets of newspaper and 30 cm of tape. Once we got our newspaper we had to plan out how we were going to make the tower. My group got our tape .Ricardo and Jahrell held the tower up and then I taped it together. We only had 20 minutes to build it and make it stand up. We finally got to the part where the teachers measured our tower. The teachers said the it had to stand up to be measured. The tallest tower was 1 meter and 18 cm. When we went up we tried to make it stand up but it wouldn't. The teacher said if you can make it stand up it will be 1 m and 15 cm. I thought that my group and I did really well. The thing that was hard for me and my group was trying to make it stand up. The easy thing was thinking of the idea and working together. I think that next time I could collaborate with my group members more. We were learning to create a freestanding object with limited equipment.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Kapa Haka
On September the 17th we went to a Kapa Haka dress rehearsal. A dress rehearsal is where other Kapa Haka groups go to a school to show them what they have been learning from their kapa haka tutors. We had to leave really early so that we wouldn't miss our turn to go on to the stage. Once we got to the school we had to wait to go in. Once it was our turn to go on the stage we went outside to do a little practice. When we were on the stage I got a little bit nervous because I thought that I was going to do really badly. Once it came to the end of our bracket we had to walk off the stage.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
In Te Ngahere at Paihia School we have been doing writing,
we are learning to use story beats. We are using story beats to
plan our writing because it gives us the main structure of our
writing. Story beats looks like this:
we are learning to use story beats. We are using story beats to
plan our writing because it gives us the main structure of our
writing. Story beats looks like this:
Once upon a time
| |
| |
Until one day
| |
Because of that
| |
Because of that
| |
Because of that
| |
Until finally
| |
And ever since then...
| |
The moral of the story.
We have also been writing goals on our writing and seeing what
rubrik we are. A rubrik is levels to see how good we are doing for
writing. We have got different types of rubrics. There is
vocabulary, sentence structure, punctuation, ideas, organisation
and spelling. I think that I am rubric 5 for sentence structure
because my ideas are organised into basic paragraphs.
rubrik we are. A rubrik is levels to see how good we are doing for
writing. We have got different types of rubrics. There is
vocabulary, sentence structure, punctuation, ideas, organisation
and spelling. I think that I am rubric 5 for sentence structure
because my ideas are organised into basic paragraphs.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Project Energize
On Tuesday Whaea Gina came to our school and told us about what type of drinks are good for you and what types aren’t. When we sat down Whaea Gina pulled out three plastic cards. The plastic card had different colours on them one had green one had orange and one had red. The green card means that you should drink water and milk every day. The orange card means you should only drink it twice a few weeks and the red card means you should only drink the fizzy drinks once a month and don’t drink any energy drinks with caffeine in it.
After a while she grabbed a few drinks and we had to say were they go. The two good drinks that she pulled out of her box was water and milk. The drinks that you don’t drink that often is powerade, flavored milk, flavored water and juice. The drinks that are bad for kids is coca cola, v (energy drink) and monster. I learnt that you should not drink that much fizzy drinks and energy drinks.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Inter School Cross Country
Today at Waikare there was a cross country event. When I got to the cross country event I saw all of my friends that used to come to my school. The first group to race was the 5 year old boys and girls then the 12 year old boys and girls then the 6 year old girls and boys when it was my turn. All the 11 year olds had to wait at the bus stop for there race. Then we had to walk up to the starting line. We had to wait a few minutes until we could race, then the horn went and we all ran. I ran right behind the other kids to see where to go when I got to the top of the mountain I had to run down the steep hill. It was hard running down the hill because it was really muddy. When I got to the bottom there was a lot of mud that I had to run through making it really hard. We had to do the track twice but once I finished the second lap I had to run down the gravel path to the finish line. When the lady told me that I came 6th I was really proud of myself because I thought I did really well.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Rippa Rugby
On Thursday me and a few other kids went to a rippa rugby tournament in whangarei. In my team was Jahrell, Mikaire, Iyanda, Jade, Angela, Breeze, Ana, Ondreous and Pharell. Just before we left to go to the tournament we had to put on our t-shirts and sit down in front of Te Awa just to see if everyone is here. When we had our first game we won the first three games and then lost. On our last game it was a draw then we were in the semi finals. Just before the game started we got pulled off the field because the ref told us that we weren't in the Semi Finals because we won the tournament in Kaikohe. So we had to go back to school. When we were back at school there was only a few minutes until the bell rang. So we had to read a book. Bye.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Science Fair
At Paihia School in Te Ngahere we have been creating a science fair board for our science fair day on Friday. We have been learning the scientific method the scientific method is what you use in your science fair plan. Me and my groups science fair project was about hand sanitizers and soaps (what is the best hand sanitizer/ soap and water) I enjoyed doing this science project because it was really fun and because I didn’t have to come up with the idea the teachers did. The challenging thing about my science fair project was writing the scientific method down. On day one our bread came out clean but one the one with the sneeze on it that one turned out with a lot of mould on it.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019
Friday, June 21, 2019
Author Visit
On Thursday the 21st of May there was an author named Adell Broadbent, she came to our school and talked to us about what we could be or what we could do when we are older. She said that when she was young there was a house and all of the curtains were down and there was a shed at the end of the long driveway she told that to us because it was in the first book she wrote and she wants us to have more experience so that we can put all of that experience into our writing. She also said that her and her friends dared each other to run up the driveway and touch the shed but no one did. When she got older she became a librarian then she started to create some books for kids and adults. She has been making books for 15 or so years she said, I think that she is really busy because she was a librarian and then she wrote some books, I also think that Adell Broadbent is really helpful. We were learning about books and what books are the best to use for older people. She also made a website called what book I think that I could ask some questions about her like why did you want to be an author.
The Kiwi and the Ferret
When Stella from Bay Bush Action came to Paihia School she talked
to us about what was happening to the Kiwi and all the eggs that the
Kiwi are laying. All the pests in the forest are killing and eating the Kiwi
and Kiwi eggs. Everyone in Te Ngahere has been creating an animation
about what they think is happening to the Kiwi and Kiwi eggs.
My animation was called the Kiwi and the Ferret. It is about the
Ferret eating the Kiwi and then getting stuck in a Ferret trap.
I think that I did really well with my animation. We were learning
about the stoats, ferrets, rats and weasels these are some of the
pests that are killing our animals
My Animation:
On Wednesday the PTA designed a disco for everyone at Paihia School in the Whare. Some of the year 1-4’s went at 5.00pm to 6.15pm and then it was the year 5-8’s to go into the whare for our disco, before we went into the whare we had to pay $2.00 and my favorite song that came on was old town road. I was also running around chasing my friends. At the disco there was food, lollies and drinks. Me and my friends got paint on our faces, I got two korus on my face they were green. I had two lines down my eyes they were red. At the disco there was a black light and a disco ball. My favorite thing about the disco was hanging with my friends and all the lights because they looked amazing. The black light was amazing because it made the face paint glow.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Waitangi Treaty Grounds
On Thursday and Friday last week we went to the Treaty Grounds. At the Treaty Grounds I learnt to use Sculpt gl, Paint 3D, and the Vr (virtual reality), Green screen, stop motion, coding robot and Tinkercad. While we were at the Treaty Grounds we went for a walk down to the waka. While we were down by the waka we were looking at all the designs on the waka. My favorite thing that we did was going on the walk and playing with the VR (VIRTUAL REALITY) When we went on the walk we were looking at all the photos and reading all the things next to the real weapons that the Maori and British people used. Also while we were at the Treaty Grounds we had to do mahi, mahi and more mahi (Work) we went to see this man who does all the carving. I liked the carving hanging up next to the window it was my favorite. At the end of the day the people that were there they were going to come to the our school to show us how to learn more things. That is why I liked going to the Treaty Grounds. We are also going to make a waka and we will be making the four hoe to but on Tinkercad. It was so fun at the Treaty Grounds.
Sea Cleaners
On Tuesday the Sea Cleaners came to our School and told us about the sea creatures and what is happening to them. They told us if we see some rubbish we had to pick it up, so that it does not go into the ocean and then the sea creatures won’t get hurt. The lady told us that they found a dead turtle with so much plastic in side of it, I thought that was sad for the turtle. The lady and the man showed us a video, the video was called Shag Force it was about why not to put plastic or any rubbish in the water or, into lakes because lakes end up going to the ocean when it rains. You should not litter because it is bad for the environment, in the future there will be no more fish or turtles or anything living creatures in the ocean or in lakes.
Monday, May 20, 2019
At our School we had three men from Auckland come to our School and show us how they play the ukulele. One of the men plays the drums and the ukulele while the other men play only the ukulele. Also some of the people from Russell School come to our school to play the ukulele as well. The three men played some songs for us one of the songs was bootstrap and carrots and peas my favourite song they did was bootstrap. After a while we all got up and some people showed us some dance move and we had to copy them. It was so much fun. I really appreciate those men for coming to our school all the way from Auckland.
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