
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Waitangi Treaty Grounds

On Thursday and Friday last week we went to the Treaty Grounds. At the Treaty Grounds I learnt to use Sculpt gl, Paint 3D, and the Vr (virtual reality), Green screen, stop motion, coding robot and Tinkercad. While we were at the Treaty Grounds we went for a walk down to the waka. While we were down by the waka we were looking at all the designs on the waka. My favorite thing that we did was going on the walk and playing with the VR (VIRTUAL REALITY) When we went on the walk we were looking at all the photos and reading all the things next to the real weapons that the Maori and British people used. Also while we were at the Treaty Grounds we had to do mahi, mahi and more mahi (Work) we went to see this man who does all the carving. I liked the carving hanging up next to the window it was my favorite. At the end of the day the people that were there they were going to come to the our school to show us how to learn more things. That is why I liked going to the Treaty Grounds. We are also going to make a waka and we will be making the four hoe to but on Tinkercad. It was so fun at the Treaty Grounds.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dale, My name is Leejiin King and I go to Ohaeawai Primary. It is fun at the Waitangi Grounds aye? We've been there too because we were learning about the great war of Taiamai now that was last year. I like how you said Mahi instead of Work, It proves to me you a Maori. But we didn't do Tinkercad while we were there or did we? Well Got to go Kaki te anau!
