
Friday, February 28, 2020


Last Wednesday all year 7 & 8’s went to Technology in Morewa. At Technology we were creating pewter jewelry. Pewter Jewelry is jewelry that you make with metal. You have to melt the metal on a hot flame in the pan. You then have to pour it between some wood to make the shape you are looking for. Put a hole through, tie a string through and knot it together. Then you are finished you are looking cool.


On Wednesday we went to technology at Moerewa School.
Technology is where us year 7 & 8’s go to do things like
woodwork and baking. Woodwork is where you go to learn about
how to use power tools and hand tools and you get to build things
out of wood. Baking is the class opposite woodwork and that is
where you got to learn how to bake things like cakes, cupcakes
and other things. At tech I created a necklace that looked like
maui’s hook but smaller. I can’t wait to go back to have more fun. 

Walk in the Bush

In Te Ngahere we have been trying to design our class to make it look like the bush so we went for a walk into the bush to get ideas for our class room. Once we got to the bush we had to scrub our shoes with the scupper so that we didn't bring any germs in to the bush that will kill all the plants and trees. In the bush we saw a lot of things like a river, trees, leaves, logs we even saw a tree growing on another tree so that we could get ideas for in class. We came back and started talking about it. I really wanted to go back into the bush to find more cool things.